Thursday, October 7, 2010

This is my life.

  1. Text Annie to see if Feminista Death Squad Night was happening.
  2. Internet
  3. Remember was waiting for response an hour later.
  4. Text friend. Uncertain response, decided to just stay in and try to work.
  5. Decide to make dinner instead of just eating more raisin bran.
  6. Move stuff to room first.
  7. Walk back and forth between bedroom and living room trying to remember where I put my iPod.
  8. See it next to my computer, plug it in to recharge.
  9. Internet
  10. Remember dinner, go to kitchen, wonder what to make.
  11. Come back to internet to ask Kyle whether to make pasta or eggs.
  12. Internet
  13. Remember was making dinner, ask Kyle again.
  14. Go back to kitchen.
  15. See eggs are out, put them back in fridge.
  16. Remember mother called last night, promised to call next day.
  17. Return to room to get phone, stopped to tell Kyle what I was doing
  18. Internet
  19. Blog about this.
This all started at 7.