Friday, January 1, 2010

2009: A Harsh Teacher

It has been a really long, really short year and pretty iffy in terms of quality. I do not know how else to talk about it, so, in 2009, I learned or realized:

  • you can traffic cocaine by hiding it in a toolbox, mixed with coffee grounds, with nails layered over it.
  • how to get over someone.
  • Oprah has a house in Mantoloking, New Jersey.
  • shamans rock.
  • that I definitely want to do social work or community work and not sociological research.
  • my body is a bastard and likes playing tricks on me.
  • people can disappoint you so hard.
  • how not to get out of a traffic ticket (i.e., telling the officer I "don't know what happened...").
  • I am a "card" (according to Delana Gregg).
  • every guy I know is gay.
  • not every kid grew up reading books about animals and knows how snakes taste the air because they cannot smell.
  • I can do things I never thought I would, even if I felt incredibly uncomfortable the entire time.
  • even more about gender and race and queerness and oppression and power without ever having to take a class and I love the internet.
  • Natalie Tran is love.
  • there was a guy during the Harlem Renaissance whose party trick was inserting a tall candle up his ass.
  • there is no depths to which crazy conservatives will sink.
  • how to alienate friends and make enemies.
  • how much possibility there is for change and there is so much opportunity to make the change you want. (I already knew how far people will go to stop you.)
  • I have ideas for change, and I can make them happen if I really want to.
  • it is hilarious when people talk about queer rights when they clearly know nothing.
  • how eating meat just seems increasingly unjustifiable and veganism looks to be the right path.
  • how to get into a car accident.
  • that politicians, despite everything, really are more about making the other guy look bad than helping people.
  • that I neck-snap and finger shake like a stereotypical angry black woman. I, I don't know.
  • that when you apologize, you just apologize. Put aside all your bitterness and resentment and all the other valid points you have: The point is that you did wrong. Apologize, and step back. Don't mitigate, edit, amend. Just. apologize. That is all.
  • that I probably am dealing with clinical depression. ("Probably" in the sense that I would have gone in for psychiatric counseling about pharmaceutical treatment if I were not leaving so soon.)
  • the depths of my dad's assholishness is far lower than I thought.
  • "Just Dance" is not a song that has been around forever and is, in fact, a relatively recent song by Lady Gaga.
  • what Lady Gaga probably looks like.
  • that I am not kidding when I say: Every guy I know is gay.
  • how to accidentally and permanently delete the first entry of my blog, where I explain some things.
  • it is possible to be in love with a duffel bag.
ETA: Added a few points over the past half hour. (Not at the bottom, because I put the items in somewhat chronological order.) I promise I am done.